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Winners 2019

The 2019 edition of the ReSAKSS Data Challenge recorded applications from all over Africa. This year participants from Ethiopia, Morocco, Kenya, Sudan – just to name a few- all eagerly tried their luck to win one of the attractive competition prizes thanks to their innovative projects. The selected outstanding applications that met all selection criteria: use of ReSAKSS data, application’s relevance to African development issues, technical quality, creativity and innovation. Following the evaluation process, 5 winners were selected in the Essay & Report, Visual Arts and High School Project categories.

Winners of the edition 2019 of the ReSAKSS Data Challenge

The 1st prize in the Essay and Report Category

A team of Uganda’s Makerere University students, namely Paddy Nsubugga, Ibrahim Kimeko and Aruhuura won the Gold prize in this category. Their application addresses the issue of clean water scarcity in Luweero district in Uganda.

The 1st prize in the Visual Arts Category

In this Category, the Gold prize goes to a Tinka William George, a final year Medical Student from Uganda. His work titled: “Improving Africa’s Employment Rates and Decreasing its Hunger Issues” showcases his video editing skills while stressing various issues relevant to the African continent.

The 2nd prize in the Essay and Report Category

The runners-up (Silver prize) in the Essay and Report Category are Thierno Seydou Nourou Sy, Alpha Amadou Diallo, Ibrahima Ndong and François Nicolas A. Sagna – 4 Senegalese students from ISFAR (Senegal’s Agricultural and Rural Training Institute). Their winning application is a project on Organic Coal.

The 2nd prize in the High School Project Category

In the High School Project Category, Marieme Mbengue student from the Senegalese American Bilingual School (SABS), won the Silver Prize for her video about hunger in Senegal.

The 3rd prize in the High School Project Category

Also In the High School Project Category Project Category, Aicha Sama Touré, student from the Senegalese American Bilingual School (SABS), was awarded the Bronze Prize for her essay on deforestation.